Albert Einstein
Tycho Brahe
Isaac Newton
Harlow Shapley
Johannes Kepler
Date of birth:
March 14, 1879,
December 14, 1546,
January 4, 1643
November 2, 1885,
December 27, 1571
Main thinking:
| I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. |
Proposed a theory of the solar system, which contained elements of both the Earth-centred Ptolemaic system and the Sun-centred Copernican system.
| That gravity was the force of attraction between two objects, such as an apple and the earth. | Shapley used RR Lyrae stars to estimate the size of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Sun's position within it by using parallax. |
The ways by which men arrive at knowledge
of the celestial things are hardly less wonderful
than the nature of these things themselves.
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