Activity 1: Famous Astronomers

Albert Einstein
Tycho Brahe
Isaac Newton
Harlow Shapley
Johannes Kepler
Date of birth:
March 14, 1879,
December 14, 1546,
January 4, 1643
November 2, 1885,
December 27, 1571
Main thinking:
I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.
Proposed a theory of the solar system, which contained elements of both the Earth-centred Ptolemaic system and the Sun-centred Copernican system.
That gravity was the force of attraction between two objects, such as an apple and the earth.Shapley used RR Lyrae stars to estimate the size of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Sun's position within it by using parallax.
The ways by which men arrive at knowledge
of the celestial things are hardly less wonderful
than the nature of these things themselves.